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Our Structured Energized Natural Alkaline Hydrogen Mineral Water

Structured energized alkaline hydrogen mineral water has smaller cluster sizes of water molecules, antioxidants, dissolved hydrogen & oxygen and natural alkaline minerals that are essential for metabolism in our body to stay healthy. Minerals are necessary nutrients that help our body work properly, including bones, teeth, and blood.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water (Natural Spring)

Natural spring water has mineral contents such as magnesium and calcium, both of which are recommended by the World Health Organization. If these minerals can become part of drinking water, a healthier body is guaranteed. Natural alkaline water is essentially modelled after natural spring water.

If you look at a mountain spring, when the water flows down and clashes with the rocks, it absorbs minerals that naturally increases the alkalinity level of the water. This process is dubbed as “Natural ionize water.” This lowers the acidity in the human body, along with a significant increase in one’s energy level and visible slower ageing.

Natural Alkaline mineral water also benefits health, maintaining an appropriate pH in your body. If there is a lack of minerals and water in the body, you will be exposed to diseases and an increased frequency of stress. In particular, these minerals cannot be produced by our bodies. Thus, they must be supplied externally. Especially for a properly structured energized alkaline water, its minerals can be absorbed faster than minerals found in fruits and vegetables. Water improves the quality of blood in your body, aiding in detoxification naturally. The long-term realization for health is to drink more clean antioxidant natural water, exercise more and stay away from unhealthy food.

Coral Pure Premium 8 / 9 has it filtration thoroughly purified and well-designed structured alkaline water system that has more than 12 stages of filtration using different types of natural stones such as organic corals and precious gems stones. For a live demo, contact us today to get an appointment. Besides Coral Pure Natural’s tankless alkaline water purifiers, you can also explore our range of hydrogen water machines and reverse osmosis systems for more benefits.

Therefore, many studies also confirm people in longevity villages enjoy better health due to pure and clean natural antioxidant hydrogen alkaline mineral water.

Medical Advantages Of Coral Pure Natural Alkaline Hydrogen Mineral Water

What WHO Says About Healthy Drinking Water?

The World Health Organization has recommended healthy drinking water must contain key natural alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium. Coral Pure Natural ensures you and your family will enjoy all the benefits of the truly healthy, nutritious water you need. Now you can heal chronic illness and get the robust health you want and deserve.

“Both calcium and magnesium are essential to human health. Inadequate intake of either nutrient can impair health”

Without minerals, we’ll suffer a lot of diseases and may not achieve the longevity of life we’ve always dreamed of.

In 2009, World Health Organization (WHO) released a publication on the topic of ‘Calcium and Magnesium In Drinking Water‘, a 190 pages report including data to share great health benefits of calcium and magnesium in drinking water.

These are found in Coral Pure’s premium water system, as all alkaline and mineral filters used are rich in natural Calcium and Magnesium. With sufficient intake of calcium and magnesium, human body can avoid lots of health complication and chronic diseases.

*CORAL PURE PREMIUM 9 has last 5 to 6 filters that restructure with natural alkaline minerals. The final minerals content exceed those supply from PUB tap.

WHO Report: World Health Organization. (2009). Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking Water.

Why Artificial Alkaline Water Should Be Avoided?

Artificial alkaline water does not offer the benefits of natural alkaline water. Electrolysis ionized alkaline water, more popularly known and one that shows up on the search engine easily when you search for alkaline water. As the name suggests, this water is created artificially by the form of electrolysis.

Tap water passes through an electric ionizer, in which water molecules are forcibly split and pushed through metal plates of platinum and titanium. By this process, platinum and titanium ions are exchanged, which leads to higher PH in water.

​Subsequently, research has found that this overtly charged ionized alkaline water of platinum and titanium has health hazards. The alkaline level in water might be high, but the toxicity increases too.

​This results in the bone and skin facing problems due to the lack of minerals that are caused by the body trying to support the high level of pH.​ Their instruction manual also indicates that ionized water is unsafe to consume by young kids and people on medication.

The World Health Organization has released its caution message against drinking water that isn’t rich in minerals. The high pH in artificial alkaline water makes the body think it is receiving minerals, when in reality, the bones end up sacrificing its minerals to make up for the lack of minerals in water.

Other than health, artificial alkaline water can be expensive, as the metal plates require frequent maintenance, which can only be done in service centres.

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    guide to choosing alkaline water dispenser
    Why Some Countries Use Ionized Alkaline Water?

    Countries such as Japan and Korea use ionized alkaline water due to the following factors:

    1) It often builds with very basic purifying pre-filters (1 to 2) and is more suitable for cleaner water to retain minerals.

    2) Both countries’ tap water have much higher natural alkaline minerals due to abundant natural spring water, supporting a high level of artificial alkaline water.

    3) Lastly, the governments of both the advanced countries’ banned fluoride for water treatment, hence, they don’t require high specification filtration for fluoride and others harmful TDS removal.

    In view of the above factors, electrolysis alkaline ionizer is not recommended for Singapore and other countries due to the nature of tap water.

    ​Therefore, our customers who previously used this machine face significant health issues such as body aching, skin health, urine acid, gout, constipation, kidneys pain etc after daily consumption over a year.

    However, this group of customers found their health condition improve greatly within 2 to 3 months after switching to Coral Pure Natural’s alkaline water.

    Can We Drink Natural Alkaline Hydrogen Mineral Water Daily?

    For better skin, hair and overall health, it is important to drink natural alkaline mineral water daily, owing to its several benefits. Doing so supplies the body with the alkaline minerals it needs to buffer acid.

    In case of naturally alkaline water, it is recommended to drink at least three litres per day from Coral Pure Premium 8 & 9 (except for those who have health conditions and are restricted from too much water intake). Since the alkalinity is a result of naturally alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium, the body is capable of using the minerals it needs and storing or discarding any excess. You cannot become overly alkaline drinking naturally alkaline water.

    If you are drinking ionized water or artificially alkaline water, it is always advised to measure your body’s pH daily and regulate your consumption accordingly. Ionized water should not be drunk daily as you can easily develop side effects.

    kind words from our clients
    Customer's Testimonials

    Superior Water Quality

    Ms Lilian had installed a Coral Pure Natural water filtration system in her home since September 2019. After installation, she is amazed by the water quality and feels much stronger after drinking, despite battling chronic heart complications for many years. Her husband who suffers from diabetes also managed to be lifted off medication by doctor.


    Health is Wealth

    Mr. Leong and his family have been using Coral Pure Natural’s water filtration system for more than 1.5 years. He has seen improvements in his parent’s and daughter’s health. The better water quality and the benefits of mineral-rich alkaline hydrogen water played a big part in this improvement.

    Significant Improvement in Blood Pressure

    In a short span of 8 months, Mr. Kamal had seen significant improvement in his blood pressure, cholesterol and uric acid level.

    Protect Your Loved Ones with the Leading Tap Water Filtration System in Singapore

    From medical to aesthetics conditions, it’s amazing to see how their family has benefitted from Coral Pure Natural’s water purifiers.

    Lose Weight and Be Healthier

    Mr. Saaban has been using Coral Pure water filtration system for a year. He has seen great improvements in his health condition, and his yearly health check report has surprised his doctor with good numbers. Besides, Mr Saaban has successfully lost 5kg in a year!

    Tankless Water Purifier Providing Essential Alkaline Minerals

    Mdm Guan Di is now a firm believer in the beneficial effects of Coral Pure’s water after having experienced it first hand.

    Our Beneficiaries

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    Unveiling the Magic of Alkaline Water: A Dive into Its Benefits

    In the ever-evolving world of health and wellness, alkaline water has been making waves, gaining popularity among health enthusiasts and professionals alike. Central to its rise is the series of alkaline water benefits that many claim can transform one’s health. But what exactly makes alkaline water stand out, and why is it becoming a staple in many households?

    Firstly, one of the primary alkaline water benefits touted by its advocates is its potential in neutralizing acid in the bloodstream. This, in turn, is believed to help boost energy levels and metabolism, leading to increased vitality. As modern diets often consist of processed foods and acidic beverages, introducing alkaline water can serve as a counterbalance, assisting the body in maintaining a more balanced pH level.

    In addition to pH balance, another significant benefit of alkaline water is its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are vital in combating free radicals in our body, which can cause cellular damage and lead to premature aging. Alkaline water, rich in negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), can act as a potent antioxidant, potentially offering protection against the harmful effects of oxidative stress.

    In conclusion, while research on alkaline water benefits is still ongoing, many already swear by its positive impact on their well-being. From balancing the body’s pH levels to its antioxidant capabilities, alkaline water offers a refreshing take on hydration. As more people seek healthier beverage options, alkaline water continues to cement its place as a promising choice for those keen on maximizing their health potential.

    Alkaline Water and its Benefits Blog

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